Sunday School Sunday

Written by Pastor Law, posted by Peter Yong
15th February 2009

Proverbs 22:6 Training that teaches the total child
Main Idea: To teach the congregation to see that their main mission towards their children is to train their children in the way they should go.
Objectives: a. To explain the meaning of Proverbs 22:6. b. To challenge the congregation to teach their children to differentiate the right from wrong.

A. Introduction
- I am sure that those of you who have children you sometimes experience frustration, pains, and hurts in bringing them up.
- You may constantly struggle a lot and realize you need a lot of wisdom to nurture your children; to disciple them.
- Sometimes you may even run out of ideas how to help your children to overcome his or her attitude, habitual and behavioral problems. You may have even prayed to God for divine intervention and you still may not get an answer.
- As your shepherd I sincerely desire to preach to you this morning that the answer is all in bible. You need to search the bible for answers.
- What I am preaching to you this morning is really a verse out of hundreds of verses on children nurture or children discipleship. It is an often quoted verse on children discipleship.
- How do you help your children grow to overcome his or her habitual, attitude or behavioral problems? How do you nurture them to be honest, responsible, polite, hard-working, humble, God fearing, etc?
- One general verse which can address your needs is this powerful verse: Proverbs 22:6, “Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.”
- Let us use our heart, mind and soul and everything in us to examine this verse.
- I pray that after you realized the rich meaning of God’s word in Hebrew, you will be doers of God’s word.

B. Train.
- The Hebrew word for this has to do with inside of the mouth – the gums, palate, or the roof of the mouth, and it refers to the use of a bit or bridle that is placed in the mouth of an untamed horse. This is used to make a wild horse into submission.
- James 3:3 gives further explanation of the use of the bit. It says, “When we put bits into the mouths of horses to make them obey us, we can turn the whole animal.”
- It is necessary to train or bring a child into submission, so that he will obey us and therefore turn about his whole direction.
- This getting them to turn from their own evil, selfish ways to obey Jesus Christ.

C. A Child.
- The same Hebrew word, ben, for child used here is found in several others places in the bibles. The examples are:
- 1Samuel 4:21, “She named the boy Ichabod….” Child here refers to a young infant who has just been born.
- Genesis 21:14, “Early the next morning Abraham took some food and a skin of water and gave them to Hagar. He set them on her shoulders and then sent her off with the boy…” In this case, the word Hebrew word child here refers to Ishmel, who was 15 years old.
- Genesis 37:29, 30, “When Reuben returned to the cistern and saw that Joseph was not there, he tore his clothes. He went back to his brothers and said, ‘The boy isn’t there!” The Hebrew word for the child here refers to Joseph at the age of 7 years old.
- Genesis 34:5, “When Jacob heard that his daughter Dinah had been defiled, his sons were in the fields with his livestock…” The Hebrew word for child here refers to Jacob’s daughter who was of marriageable age.
- The time span here for “a child” can be from infancy until the age when he leaves home to marry.

D. In the way he should go.
- This phrase more literally means “in keeping with child’s way” or “in accordance to the way he was designed by God.”
- Parents must discover child’s way and adjust their training to it.
- The child’s way may refer to his temperament that was ordained by God, his creator. Therefore, within the framework of the principles of God, train the child according to his temperament or in keeping with his characteristics.
- Take for instance, we cannot train a sanguine (optimistic and happy, extrovert) the same as we will train a phlegmatic (unexcitable, cool and steady, introvert) or a choleric (hot, quick, active, practical strong-willed, very independent, extrovert) the same way as a melancholic (analytical, perfectionist, gifted and introvert).
- He must be trained in the way that God designed for him.

E. And when he is old.
- The word “old” here does not mean 60 or 70 years old! It refers to a male child when he begins to grow hair on his face or when he begins to enter the age of maturity.

F. He will not depart form it.
- What a fantastic promise! God has promised that a child will not depart from his parent’s training if they have done what God asked them to do.

G. Did God go back on His promise?
- Immediately some of you may cry out that you have given good training to your children and yet they go their rebellious way. Therefore, you conclude that God did not keep His promise.
- I would like to share with you some biblical principles about children nurture.
- Some parents absolutely believe they have given their children proper training when they do not have a right to claim to this.
- It takes more than living a good example and taking them to church every Sunday.
- It takes more than loving and providing for them.
- Let me quote an example from Beverly LaHaye book, “How To Develop Your Child’s Temperament.”
- There was a family of 4. The father and mother loved each other very much. They were patient, soft spoken, and kind to one another. Rarely the whole family missed church on Sunday. But one important and tragic mistake was made.
- These fine parents never insisted that their 2 children obey them, and the day came when the children followed their own desires instead of obeying their parents. Both of these children married unbelievers and they were divorced.
- They were not walking with God and the parents wonder why.
- Children have to be taught to obey their parents so they will obey God.
- God’s requests of parents are: a. Bring your child under subjection. B. Teach him obedience. C. Turn him from evil toward Jesus Christ d. Train him according to the way God designed him. E. Train him from infancy to the time he leaves home to marry.
- God’ promise then is this: If we have fulfilled God’s requests, our child will not depart from our training when reaches maturity.
- One of God’s requests is training them to obey parents and God. We fail to do that, then we cannot expect Him to keep His promise.
- Some parents have failed to bring their children into subjection while others have failed because they stopped the training too early in life or stated too late.
- What do parents do when they realize they are already negligent and time is passing by so quickly? You may think that your children have already grown so big that it seems hopeless that any change is possible.
- There is hope because nothing is impossible with God.
- Consider the following steps, regardless of what stage your children are in, and trust God to bring about a change in their lives: (Ideas by Beverly LaHaye)

1. Recognize and admit the areas of your failure. Ask God to show you where you are weak and be willing to name the problems, like, pride, inconsistency, wrong priorities, irritability (tending to get angry at small things which are being said or done), permissiveness (allowing too much freedom especially on sexual matters), etc.
2. Confess them before God and ask For His forgiveness.
3. Prayerfully and lovingly confess it to the family members you have offended and pray they will be forgiving.
4. Ask God to help you change your habits and develop a new plan to correct the old.
5. Have faith that the Holy Spirit will change your life and trust God to correct the wrong you have done to your children.
6. Begin living from this new point in life and not under the guilt of the past.

- Keep in mind that your Heavenly father is even more desirous than you are in making you a successful parent, but you have to follow His principles.
- Parents, if you have followed the above 6 steps, then, you can lift your head high and enjoy life and your children. Don’t be impatient to wait upon the Lord to bring about a change! Love your children just as they are and wait patiently for God to work in their lives.

H. God does not expect perfect parents.
- But He does lay down few basic requirements for training children. We can fall short in many areas, but God does expect us to train them in obedience and bring them to subjection under parents.
- Teaching obedience is more than giving instructions. It is instructing and then insisting on the child’s compliance. Too often we tell the child what we want him to do, but we neglect to insist that he does it.
- Beverley LaHaye quoted an example of a fantastic missionary, after 20 years of service, he was not given the privilege to take over the leadership of His mission organization because of his refusal to carry out orders the way he had been instructed. The heads of his organization loved and admired him and they were fully aware of his great contribution to mission organization, after so many years of service as an assistant, they could not trust him to be the overall in-charge because he consistently refused to carefully follow instructions. He did not fight or argue but he always did things his own ways. Somewhere as a child, absolute obedience was not insisted upon. Consequently, he missed a great opportunity in life to head a great mission organization and he had to go through this traumatic experience.
- Effective training of our children can be summarized as the formula according to Beverly LaHaye: Instruction + Love + Insistence = Effective Training.
- The most important challenge of being a parent is not to be perfect, but to teach the child to one day take full responsibility for his own life.

I. Teaching your child right from wrong.
- As you train your child to take responsibility for his own life, you need to teach him or her to differentiate right from wrong.
- When do children know right from wrong? Lying, stealing, cheating, breaking promises are all acts that even good children commit.
- Dr Lawrence Kohlberg, professor of Education and Social Psychology at Harvard University, says children up to the age of 10 rarely are capable of what most adults regard as “pure” moral judgments.
- Until the age of 10, a child’s understandings of morality come, not from any abstract ideas of right and wrong, but from his feelings about what will happen to him. He obeys rules to avoid being punished, or he is nice to other people so that the others will be nice to him.
- We adults believe that children understand right and wrong the same way we do.
- It is a wrong understanding. What matters most to the young children is what actually happens, not the motivation behind the wrong act.
- Very often we reacted emotionally to what the bad things our children have done, not because of the behavior itself but because of the motives behind them.
- When a child takes a toy from the shop without payment, we parents or adults understood it as stealing. We feel guilty about the bad behavior of our children.
- But today as we understand our children better, we are more at peace with ourselves. We learn that before the age of 10 they are not capable of moral judgment.
- But then, we must make effort to train and help them in their moral development.
- It is very important to help them to understand that God does not approve of lying, cheating, hitting one another and stealing.
- So, do not get panic when your children steal, lie, cheat, etc. Instead, use the experience to train him to tell him it is wrong to steal, lie, cheat, etc. He must correct himself from his wrong actions.
- He must correct it with God by confessing his sins, and then he must make say sorry or apologize to the person whom he has sinned against. This will produce a signal in him that he had better not do it again. He must understand that a wrong deed is displeasing to God, mommy and daddy, and finally, to the victim of the circumstance.
- The best time to teach and discuss morality is when a child has done something praise worthy or when he is indecisive about a problem. It is beneficial to the child to have to come to a decision by himself on certain issues.
- Take for instance, Mary has promised Sally to go over to stay a night at her house. So, Sally is very excited and looks forward to her companionship and she makes plan to for her. Then, Mary received a better invitation that is even better where there is party. Now, she is forced to make a decision. Her parents give her the right to decide but encouraged her to think about the moral issues behind her dilemma. She needs to be told how she will disappoint her good friend and even hurt her. She needs to be asked what if somebody does it to her what she would feel. With all the guidance, hopefully, she will not break her promise to Sally.

J. The importance of parental authority.
- As a child learns to differentiate the right from wrong from parents, she also learns to submit to the loving leadership of his parents. Then, one day, he will also know how to submit to the other forms of authority which he will face in future.
- Children who do not respect leadership will become rebellious and confused.
- However, a child who submits to the loving authority of his parents will learn to submit to the loving leadership of his heavenly father.
- Regardless of whether we like it or not, a little child relates his parents to God. He sees God just as he sees his earthly father.
- Parents’ lives must reflect both authority and unlimited love so that they might best represent the divine nature of God.
- Children learn the tender mercy of God through their parents’ love for them.
- But our God is also a God of divine authority. To represent God with love and not with authority is as serious a misrepresentation as picturing God as absolute authority without love.
- Therefore, a child who does not respect the authority of his parents and a child who has been allowed to disobey his or her parents can hardly submit to the authority of God.
- A child must submit to his or her parents’ authority, then to the leadership of his or her pastors, church leaders, BB and GB officers, i-youth advisors, Sunday School, teachers in schools, police, employers, and finally responding to the majestic authority of the Lord.

K. Children learn by watching.
- As parents train their children to submit to their authority, take note also that, if you desire them to obey you, or God or other authorities, how you live your life is far more important than what you say or try to teach.
- Children learn best by watching what their parents do.
- Dr Howard Hendricks who authored the book, “Teaching to Change Lives”, has produced a bright disciple in the person of Dr. Bruce Wilkinson who authored the book, “The 7 Laws of Learner”, both experts in Christian education have greatly impacted my by their books; Dr Howard Hendricks, a professor at Dallas Theological Seminary, said that in family living you cannot impart what you do not know. You cannot teach your child what you have not experienced.
- Before a parent can develop a child’s desire for spiritual things, he needs first to have a spiritual experience with Christ himself and then a plan for continual growth in the Lord.
- The greatest weakness in Christian homes is parents who try to teach their children principles contrary to what they themselves are living.
- Then, how you can help yourself to become the kind of parent your needs? (Ideas by Beverly LaHaye)

1. Recognize that Jesus Christ is God’s only provision for man’s sin.
- Romans 5:8, “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”
- Ephesians 1:7, “In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace…”
2. Repent of your self-will.
- Luke 13:3, “…But unless you repent, you too will all perish.”
3. Receive Christ as Lord and Savior by turning your life over to Christ and making Him Lord of your life. When you invite Him in, He will cleanse you from your past sins and give you wisdom and guidance, including how to disciple and train your children in the way he should go.
- John 1:12, “Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.
4. Remember to let Jesus Christ direct the daily decisions of your life.
- Proverbs 3:6, “in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.”
- Ephesians 5:18 “Do not get drunk with wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit.”

L. Conclusion:
- As you are filled and controlled by the Holy Spirit, you will disciple your children: you will train your children to be Christ-like. This is what matters the most

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