Powerful Impacts of Peter’s Sermon

Written By Rev. Law Hui Seng
5th July, 2009
Posted By Teresa Han

Acts 2:14-47
Main Idea: Preaching in the name of Jesus can produce life transformation impact.
Objectives: a. To explain the basis of Christ’s authority as God. b. To help the congregation to believe in the power of preaching in the name of Jesus.

A. Introduction
- Jonathan Edwards, a famous American preacher says, “I go to preach with 2 propositions in mind. First, every person ought to give his life to Christ. Second, whether or not anyone else gives his life, I will give him mine.”
- If Jonathan Edwards did not believe in the power of Christ to the world, he would not make those 2 statements. I agree with him on the 2 statements also.
- I believe the same with this great servant of God because I believe in the power of preaching and sermon. The Holy Spirit can use preaching and sermons to result in people coming to salvation in God.
- Do you believe that every sermon can impact your life if you are humble and serious to learn from it?
- In the early church history according to the passage today, after the coming down of the Holy Spirit, the apostles and disciples, especially the 120 who met in upper room, who received the Holy Spirit in the most spectacular manner.
- Now, especially, apostle Peter and the other 11 apostles, and also the writer of Acts, Luke, were ministering together in the power of the Holy Spirit. Peter explained the phenomenon of the work of the Holy Spirit.
- And then, he went on to preach the most powerful sermon in his life. A sermon that was based on Jesus Christ, and it resulted in the conversion of 3000 people.

B. Peter’s explanation of the phenomenon of the Holy Spirit (verses 14-21)
- Peter and the 11 apostle were very sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit. Since there was a great crowd who assembled around them as a result of the mighty manifestation of the Holy Spirit, he grasped the opportunity to explain and preach on the person of Jesus Christ. The crowd was made up of Jews and those who lived in Jerusalem (verse 14b).
- Appealing to logic, he explained that the 120 disciples of Jesus could not be drunk because it was 9 o’clock in the morning (verse 15). As the disciples were Jews and they did not eat so early in the morning.
- Then, Peter appealed to the authority of the Old Testament and quoted the relevant prophesies by prophet Joel (verses 17-21).
- He needed to appeal to the Old Testament for the Holy Spirit phenomenon as the Jews in the crowd needed it for the purpose of authentication. I believe a lot of Jews were later on convinced as some of them were cut to their hearts and asked what needed to be done after listening to Peter’s sermon (verse 37). They called Peter, brother.
- After appealing to the Old Testament, he got his perspective of the Holy Spirit, now, with all convictions, empowered by the Holy Spirit, he preached on the person of Jesus Christ. This was the person whom he and the rest of the disciples and apostles band on for salvation of mankind.

C. Basis of Christ’s authority as God (verses 22-28).
- I strongly believe that, by now, Peter, being filled with the Holy Spirit, he was ready to preach with all the fire, convictions, courage, without fear of death, to tell his audience especially the Jews where his authority of preaching was coming from.
- Before the Pentecost he was such a timid, when his master, Jesus, was arrested by the soldiers, he denied his relationship with Him 3 times, now, because of the empowerment of the Holy Spirit, he was a completely different person, apostle.
- With all the courage, he spoke right into the face of the Jews in the crowd and literally told them this Jesus of Nazareth whom they had crucified had been sent from God as He had done miracles, wonders and signs witnessed by them. And raised Him from the dead, and now there was no way for death to defeat Him. He has defeated the death (verses 22-24).
- He really desired to tell the audience Jesus Christ was God sent and He is God.
- He also quoted from the Psalms of David to say that Jesus was prophesied by David and He would come from the line of David, and now it was fulfilled (verses 25-28).

D. Another basis of Christ’s authority: witness of Christ’s resurrection (verses 29-35).
- Then, with all confidence and trust in Jesus, Peter continued to emphasize the authority of preaching by reminding them in verse 32, “God has raised this Jesus to life, and we are all witnesses of the fact.”
- He emphasized that Jesus was no mere human being, they saw him ascending to heaven with their naked eyes and He had even sent the Holy Spirit as He had promised; and experienced by them now. This is why he says in verse 33, “Exalted to the right hand of God, he has received from the Father the promised Holy Spirit and has poured out what you now see and hear.”

E. Impact of Peter’s sermon (verses 36-47).
- After getting his authority of preaching right, now, his words were like a doubled edged sword that pierced into the hearts of his audience.
- He said in verse 36, “...God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, both Lord and Christ.” As if, he was calling his audience to consider what to do now with Jesus who has resurrected.
- How was the response to Peter’s sermon? The answer was found in verse 37, “...they were cut to the heart and said to Peter and the other apostles, “Brothers, what shall we do?”
- Peter’s revelation about the status and dignity of Jesus came as a total shock to them, and they were pierced to the heart by what he said. I believe this is the power of the Holy Spirit. When we pray for people to listen to the sermons, we must pray like that.
- The thought of piercing to the heart was from Psalm 109:16. It means being broken hearted and stand under conviction of sin.
- Next, with that kind of experience, even if you were there, you were also asked Peter what to do. Peter responded with conviction and certainty, without hesitation, in verse 38, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the Holy Spirit.”
- Peter put everything in a nutshell about what needs to be done. Peter called these people to repentance, first and foremost. Repentance in the sense of Jesus (Mark 1:15 , where Jesus says, “...The kingdom of God is near. Repent and believe the good news.” Repentance indicates a change in a person’s life rather than simply a mental change of attitude or a feeling of remorse. It signifies turning away from a sinful and godless way of life.
- I stronly believe that this kind of repentance can only be brought by God, the power of the Holy Spirit, a gift of God.
- No wonder you need to be filled by the Holy Spirit when you preach. You need Holy Spirit in ministry and so He is promised to those who were converted right there and then.
- As a result of the sermon of Peter, verse verse 41 says that those who accepted Peter’s message were baptized and the number was 3000.
- The story did not finish there. It caused these converts to continue to meet together, in verses 42 to 47 it says that they continue for the purposes of teaching by apostles; fellowship; breaking of bread; prayers. That is why the church today, we still do the 4 means of grace.

F. Applications
- Let us now come back to you? Let us be honest with the word of God. Let us apply these 3 points:
- Firstly, on what authority you preach the gospel of salvation? I believe it must in the authority of the person of Jesus. You must be convinced of His death and resurrection are for your forgiveness of sin. You must be convinced He is still living and watching you. You must be convinced you must be responsible to Him and obey Him. You must be convinced He is the only God who judges you and gives you eternal life. You must be convinced that Jesus is the only answer to our human sinfulness, your sinfulness. Unless you have that kind of conviction, otherwise, your preaching has no authority at all.
- Secondly, can your preaching, bible studies, 9 month disciple course, BB, GB teaching of God’s word, Sunday School result in repentance? For repentace, it is turning away from sin and live a godly life. For that to happen, your life must be right with God; and you need the empowerment of the Holy Spirit.
- Thirdly, how do you follow up with people who have repented? You need to channel them to a small group or one of the groups in the church. You need to continue to meet for teaching, breaking of bread (Holy Communion), fellowship and prayer.

G. Conclusion.
- May we trust God to add to GMC the number of those who are saved.

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