Where Are the Other Nine?

8th August, 2010
Written By Rev Law Hui Seng
Posted By Teresa Han

Luke 17:11-19

Main Idea: Thanksgiving

Objective: To teach the congregation to develop a heart of thanksgiving to God in our daily life.

A. Introduction

- Christians/ disciples of Jesus must thank God for what He has done for us.

- I love to thank to God (my Lord/ master) for what He has done in my life everyday. I offer myself as an example to you all in my area of thanksgiving to God in my life. I would like to share with you more later when it comes to application. Thanksgiving to God is very much part of my life, then, it is worth sharing it with you.

- Many Christians do not have that habit and do it once a while. When was the last time you open your mouth and say a prayer to thank God for what He has done for you? Lots of us do not say grace before we eat, so, we seldom thank God.

- The scriptural passage today has very powerful teaching about the need for Christians’ disciples of Jesus to do thanksgiving. It is our Lord’s teaching.

- I am always motivated by the story of the 10 lepers that Jesus told in the passage. I always remind myself not to the other 9. That is why my sermon title this morning isjust as what Jesus asked, “Where are the other nine?”

- The challenge is will you not become one of the nine?

B. The difference between the one Samaritan leper and the nine Jewish lepers

- In those days, leprosy was an uncurable disease. The disease carriers were all isolated from family members and they did not only suffer the physical pain of the disease as the flesh get decay; they were totally isolated from family members and no love would be shown to them as it was a contagious disease. They also suffered the in isolation.

- Jesus healed diseases all over the places in His time and the ten lepers knew it and they grasped the opportunity when they came across Jesus.

- You see the demonstration of Jesus’ healing power. As the 10 lepers could not get near Him and be touched by Him because it was required by the unclean law as it was a contagious disease. They stood at a distance and shouted to Jesus to ask Him for mercy. Jesus did not even get near to touch and He just told them to show them to the priests. Only after the priests examined them and they certified disease free, they could go home and be united with family members.

- You can imagine the excitement of being healed right on the spot. If you were one of the 10 lepers, what would you do immediately? May be you would like to thank Jesus immediately, right?

- But only one Samaritan (a mixture of Jews and Gentile descent) who did not get carried away with the excitement and immediately thanked and praised Jesus. The rest of the Jewish lepers (probably) forgot all about it. Their ingratitude was a concern to Jesus, that was why Jesus asked, “Were not all ten cleansed? Where are the other nine?... give praise to God except this foreigner?”

- You see Jesus expects gratitude from the other 9 also. Will you become the other nine?

C. Applications

- Do you see the need to thank God for what He has done for you? Personally, I give thank to God for everything in my life. As my heart tells me in gratitude, I will say it out with my mouth the moment I feel it. It ranges from food to relationships and all that have achieved for Christ. I thank God always and I find that it helps me to become very intimate with Jesus. Will you do the same?

- Thanksgiving is an act that strengthen your relationship with God. This is because you acknowledge his presence in your life. As you obey him, you do more and more of thanksgiving. Some Christians would like to express their gratitude to God with an offering.

D. Conclusion

- Thanksgiving matters to God.

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