Jesus Loves the Sick (Social Concerns 3)

19th Sept, 2010
Written By Rev Law Hui Seng
Posted By Teresa Han

Matthew 10:5-10

Main Idea: Reach out to the Sick

Objectives: a. To teach the congregation to reach out to the sick as Jesus loves the sick. b. To teach the causes of sickness.

A. Introduction

- The Methodist book of discipline has a big section on the social principle of the Church and General Welfare. Let us read it with conviction and allow it to influence our daily living.

- There are many answers to the issues we face in our society. Our stands for those issues are very clear. I pray that you will stand by them and promote them. Let us read them now.

- For my third social concern sermon today, I shall concentrate on the area of reaching out to the sick. The social principle on the church and General Welfare has a section on mental health and medical care. Let me quote the relevant parts. “…We strongly favor the healing ministries of the church… We believe that adequate facilities with professionally trained staff must be made available for the emotionally ill and the mentally retarded of every community. We also believe that churches may become spiritual centers of healing through worship, pastoral concern, and volunteer service for the emotionally ill.”

- How far have you reached out to the sick and lost? By the sick, I mean those who are physically, emotionally and psychological sick. Sometimes, they do not know God yet and they do not have proper life purposes on earth yet, and so they are lost. Have you grasped the opportunity to visit the sick and pray for them?

- It is Jesus’ priority to heal the sick. You can see that in today’s passage.

B. What can Jesus do with the sick?

- In Matthew 10 verse 1, we see that Jesus literally mobilized His 12 disciples and gave them authority to drive out evil spirits and to heal every disease and sickness. One implication for us here on this series of sermon on social concerns is this, the church needs to care for the sick. The church of Jesus is made up of disciples like and me, we need to heal the sick. That is the command that Jesus has given to disciples like you and me. Will you do it?

- And in verses 7 and 8 today, you see the clear command of Jesus for His 12 disciples and you and me, “As you go, preach this message: The kingdom of heaven is near. Heal the sick, raise the dead, and cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out demons. Freely you have received, freely give.” And the ministry should be done with no expenses. In verses 9 and 10, the disciples were told not to bring along any financial means and facility to support themselves, for God will supply their needs through the people, “… for the worker is worth his keep.”

- Do you see the great priority that Jesus gives to the sick? I hope you do and you will reach out to the sick as commanded by Jesus.

- As I meditate on this passage, I ask why Jesus heals the sick. My answer is very simple. He loves the sick. He has compassion for the sick people. He does see the sick as people who are troublesome for him to deal to with him. He even gives special command to the disciples like you and me to heal them.

- As I reflect more, I just feel that Jesus is very down to earth, He desires to meet the deepest need of people. Brothers and sisters, this is the nature of our faith, our relationship with Jesus (God), our God desires us to meet the human needs of people. So, what people need, we must meet the need. When people are sick, they need healing.

- In our society, of course we have all kinds of sickness like cancer, sexually transmitted diseases, diseases caused by germs, bacteria, and viruses, etc. We are also at a stage where life is getting more and more stressful because we want to pursue a higher standard of living. We now also witness the fact that mental health problem is on the increase.

- There are more than ever, more and more people are getting depressed, emotionally ill and mentally ill. In most cases they need a lot of encouragement, support, and most important of all love, and attention. What can you do?

C. Applications

- When you see depressed people, do not do any finger pointing anymore. Do not condemn them any more. Let us reach out to them for Christ, whether they are Christians or not.

- In most cases, the causes of mental sickness could be due to unhealed hurts and the patients are depressed about it. They become very negative and depressed, even become suicidal. They just cannot come out of the negative thinking and I always believe it takes God’s intervention to happen. In serious cases, they need medication. But that is not all, they need lots of love and attention in order to recover. So, you need to do lots of listening, counselling, prayer, etc.

- In view of the need of the sick people of all kinds, God may be calling you to become counselors, doctors, dentists, nurses, pastors, etc.

- As an ordinary disciple of Jesus, can you express your love by visiting and praying for the sick? Most importantly, you need the compassion for them and then, you need to spend the time with them.

D. Conclusion

- Can you be Jesus to the sick?

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